You are viewing documentation for Falco version: v0.34.1

Falco v0.34.1 documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Try Falcosidekick on Kubernetes

Learn how to deploy Falcosidekick on Kubernetes

0. Requirements

0.1 Environment

This environment requires of a Kubernetes environment of at least 1 node.

1. Deploying Falcosidekick

These are the main steps to deploy Falcosidekick on Kubernetes using Helm. Follow them and you should be able to use Falcosidekick in a matter of minutes.

1.1 Install kernel headers

Run the following command to install the kernel headers on every Kubernetes node:

sudo apt-get -y install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

This step might not even be necessary if the specific driver for the Linux kernel in your Kubernetes cluster is prebuilt and offered by Falco.

Otherwise, the the presence of the kernel headers will allow the installer to build the Falco driver for you.

1.2 Add Falco chart repository

Run the following command to add the falcosecurity charts repository:

helm repo add falcosecurity
helm repo update

1.3 Deploy Falco including Falcosidekick

Run the following command to deploy Falco, Falcosidekick and Falcosidekick-UI:

kubectl create namespace falco
helm install falco -n falco --set tty=true falcosecurity/falco \
  --set falcosidekick.enabled=true \
  --set falcosidekick.webui.enabled=true

In case Falco had been already deployed using this method, use upgrade instead of install.

1.4 Verify the Falco deployment

Verify that Falcosidekick and Falcosidekick-UI are running correctly using the kubectl command:

kubectl get pods -n falco

Wait until all the pods are ready:

kubectl wait pods --for=condition=Ready --all -n falco

Run the following command to look at Falcosidekick logs.

kubectl logs -l -n falco

The output should be similar to the following:

2023/01/26 12:26:38 [INFO]  : Falco Sidekick version: 2.27.0
2023/01/26 12:26:38 [INFO]  : Enabled Outputs : [WebUI]
2023/01/26 12:26:38 [INFO]  : Falco Sidekick is up and listening on :2801

2. Trying Falcosidekick in action

2.1 Generate a suspicious event

Run the following command to simulate a suspicious event:

kubectl exec -it alpine -- sh -c "uptime"

Check the logs again:

kubectl logs -l -n falco | grep "OK"

The output should be similar to the following:

2023/01/26 12:28:16 [INFO]  : WebUI - Post OK (200)

2.2 Access the Falcosidekick UI Dashboard

To access the Falcosidekick UI, create a port forward to expose the service:

kubectl port-forward svc/falco-falcosidekick-ui \
  -n falco --address 2802 &> /dev/null &

There must be already a few events. Click on them to see the events detail.

Scan results

2.3 Event Generator

It is better to explore the Falcosidekick UI with more events.

Run the following command to use event-generator to generate a variety of suspect actions that are detected by Falco rulesets.

kubectl run event-generator -n falco --image falcosecurity/event-generator \
  -- run syscall --loop

Alternatively, if you can run Docker containers on the Kubernetes node:

sudo docker run -it --rm falcosecurity/event-generator \
  run syscall --loop

At this point, you can explore Falcosidekick UI. Notice the different priorities and tags.

Congratulations, you finished this scenario!

You should be able to install Falcosidekcik in any Kubernetes cluster and watch for suspicious behavior.

Click on Try Falco and try out the next scenario.